Executive Chairman

Adj. Prof. Dato’ Sr VMr. Dr. Mohd Mazlan Hj Che Mat, DJMK, CVM, CQS
FIVMM-Life, FRISM, FMIM, SAVE International, MIVMAustralia (Patron)
On 8th March 2010, Adj. Prof. Dato’ Sr VMr. Dr. Mohd Mazlan was invited by Economic Planning Unit of Prime Minister’s Department to present and brief the National Economic Council chaired by YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia together with other senior ministers on the application of Value Management and the success stories of it. The Prime Minister then declared the Value Management as one of the supporting pillars for the nation on the following day during MAPPAXI.
Adj. Prof. Dato’ Sr VMr. Dr. Mohd. Mazlan Che Mat is currently an Adjunct Professor at University of Technology Malaysia and was a former Associate Professor in the Faculty of Built Environment at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia since 1993 with a background in Quantity Surveying and Value Management. He was also the former Quantity Surveying, Head of Department at UTM. He used to work with PETRONAS and Public Works Department (PWD) from 1981-1984. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Quantity Surveying, Master of Business Administration and a PhD in Value Management. He is a registered Quantity Surveyor with the Board of Quantity Surveyors, Malaysia.
He was granted the Commonwealth Science Council scholarship to deepen his knowledge and skill in Value Management in Australia in 1990. During the same period, he was appointed as the Visiting Fellow of the University of Canberra. Prior to that, he was awarded the Japan Airlines Scholarship in 1986 attending a special management programme on Japanese Industrialization at Sophia University Tokyo, Japan.
He was the first Non-Australian to be admitted as a member of the Institute of Value Management, Australia in 1990 and the first Malaysian to be conferred the Fellowship status by the Institute of Value Management Malaysia (IVMM) in 2001. He was elected as the Fellow of the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) in 2000 and a Fellow of Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) in 2012. He is an International member of the Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE), USA.
He has been involved with and directed many Value Management workshops for projects led by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Higher Learning Institutions, Public Works Department (PWD) Malaysia, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Department of Irrigation & Drainage (D.I.D), Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Malaysia Highway Authority (MHA), Malaysia Rubber Board (MRB), Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad (SPNB), PROLINTAS, SIRIM, PERODUA and a number of major private clients. Over the years he helped to save billions of both public and private sector expenditures. He also conducted strategic planning workshops adopting Value Management Methodology.
He sit on the Board of Human Resurce Development Fund of Human Resource Ministry from 2009 till 2015 and Technical Committee member of Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Prime Minister’s Department in 2009 and 2010. He was a panel of Assessors in the Malaysian Construction Industry Excellence Awards (MCIEA) in 2008, 2009 and 2018. His book on Value Management: Principles and Applications is the major source of reference for National Guide on Value Management for Programmes and Projects Planning of EPU, Prime Minister’s Department. He is the founding President and currently the Advisor of the Institute of Value Management Malaysia (IVMM).
He is also the first Certified Value Manager by CIDB Malaysia and IVMM. In 2022, he was conferred bintang Darjah Kebesaran Dato’ Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (D.J.M.K) and in 2013, he was conferred bintang Darjah Kebesaran Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (J.M.K) by His Royal Highness Sultan Muhammad V Kelantan Darul Naim.
He has been appointed as the Board of Director, Faculty of Environmental and Equistic, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), External Assessor for Master of Business Administration (Construction Business) Program at Kulliyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia, Industry Advisory for Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) and Committee Member of the Building Technology Master Program (with Coursework) for The Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, Universti Putra Malaysia. He sits on various Foundation and Research Centre, such as Research & Development Foundation of Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (MCCM) and YAATIM Foundation.

He operates Value Management, Value Engineering & Life Cycle Costing activities under MCM Value Sdn. Bhd. of whom he is the President which he founded way back in 1999, also the Executive Chairman of MCM Associates Sdn. Bhd., a Quantity Surveying firm of which he founded in 1993. MCM Value Sdn Bhd was been conferred “Selangor Excellence Business Awards 2014” jointly organised by The Malay Chamber of Commerce Selangor and The Readers International Magazine.
MCM Value Sdn Bhd is a Research Partner of Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) on Construction Output and System Application of N3C and PROJEXIS. MCM’s internally developed software, LCCSoft has been nominated Top 5 Nominees In “Best Software” Category by NEF-Awani ICT Awards 2013. MCM Value Sdn Bhd was also the Consultant for the Contract Research and System Application on Public Sector Comparator (PSC) by EPU, PM’s Department.